Saturday 9 April 2011

Getting started

      I'm getting really excited about my new business that I'm starting.  I don't know how big this is going to get but I'm not really worried about that right now.  I just want to get my ribbon that I ordered and start making some clips!  I want to see how good I am going to be at this before I think about where it's all going to go.  One day at a time I guess.  I set up my Etsy account and my facebook 'like' page, who knows, maybe I will actually get orders! You don't know until you try.  I have so many ideas of what I want to do. The big thing right now is money.  It seems you need money to make money these days, and we don't have much money to just invest in something huge, so I'm going to start small with a few things and if I make any profit then I may invest in more supplies to make more!! :D  Hopefully that's the case ;) 

      So I made a new logo which it on my Etsy page and FB page, but I kinda like the one I've created on this blogger so I may keep it up for a while. :D 
Next post, hopefully I will have a picture to post of my first ribbon clip.  Wish me luck!